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Homebot reinforces the idea that it’s not just about the transaction when it comes to a home. It’s about the relationship before, during and after that makes a professional really add value to homeowners. By using Homebot as a tool to stay in touch with their clients and give them actionable and valuable home finance information, lenders and agents have arrived at a new era of how business is done. This is an era where systems of intelligence are used to better communicate what industry professionals want their clients to know and understand. Top agents and lenders use Homebot to empower homeowners in turn, generating more repeat and referral business.

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How to pitch to agents

Homebot’s Agent Pitch Kit has resources for educating agents on Homebot including one-pagers, video explainers, pitch decks, and more. A video at the top of the page walks you through the benefits of co-sponsoring with agents.

For detailed info about Agent costs: Read this FAQ

Homebot + Benchmark Webinar March 18, 2025

The base price is $180/mo. This is the Pro level plan.
You pay $10/mo per partner, they pay $25/mo (for the Pro plan).

To create an account, please submit the form below:

    To cancel your Homebot account, please submit the following form.


      Is there a setup fee for a Co-Sponsored Agent?

      Cost for Loan Officers:

      • LOs received an enterprise discount deal at $180 per Homebot account
      • $10 per each co-sponsored agent on a “Pro” real estate Homebot subscription

      Cost for Real Estate Agents:

      • Agents pay $25/mo after a one-time setup fee of $50. 
      • Agents can only sign up with one LO on Homebot at a time so this is a great opportunity for LOs to lock in referral partnerships. 
      • Agents can also sign up with a Freemium subscription at no cost to either party. The freemium option gives agents the ability to join Homebot for free until they add more than 25 clients. Learn more about Freemium here.
      Agent Co-Sponsorship on Homebot

      Agent Co-Sponsorship on Homebot

      When an LO co-sponsors with a real estate agent on Homebot, their contact information is co-branded to all clients in their database within the Home Finance sections of the monthly Homebot report. Any time a client reaches out with a question, the LO is directly notified. Another benefit of partnering with agents on Homebot is it creates a two-way referral cycle. When a client reaches out for a CMA or pre-qual, the right expert is brought into the convo. 
      When does a client get added to Homebot?

      A client is added to your Homebot account the month after their loan is funded. 

      Benchmark sends a comprehensive upload to Homebot usually by the 10th of a given month.